
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Applique Super Hero Shirt

Well this week is Red Rally Week to fight against drugs in school. So everyday the kiddo's have a theme to dress up as. Today was Be a Super Hero Everyday. Now my daughter does not have a Super Hero Shirt. So she asked me to put an "S" on a shirt. I thought about it...and decided I can do BETTER! I have some bottle caps that my daughter has been asking me to turn into bows. Random ones she got on necklaces ect. She had a bottle cap that had a perfect pink "A" with zebra stripes around it. LIGHT BULB! I got my inspiration! So I got on good ole' Pinterest and searched Super Hero Appliques and found this link that had printable letters,numbers and designs for "super Hero" appliques . Went to Hobby Lobby with my weekly coupon got a pink craft shirt and some zebra fabric :-).

So here is my 1st applique shirt! Now all I need to do is practice so I can make a ton of cute onesies for baby to be!

Printed out applique stencil
Sewing machine
Coordinating thread
Heat N Bond

Print out the letter and carefully cut out everything you do not plan on putting on the shirt, so the middle pieces should go.

Now place your applique stencil onto your heat and bond on the paper side. If your applique is a letter that can't be reversed remember to trace it facing down. Now cut out the piece of heat n bond, don't cut around the applique, cut a box around.

Take your heat n bond paper side up and iron it to the wrong side of your fabric on your highest heat, it should stick pretty instantly. Then Cut the square out of your fabric.

OK NOW you can cut around your applique ;-). Waiting to cut it out at this step will save you a million head aches.Carefully peal off the heat and bond. Place your applique on your shirt and iron it down.

OK Sewing machine here I come! This is the most intimating part for me. Sewing all the way around each side perfectly on the edge.....nerve racking! What you want to do is find your applique stitch  If you don't know which one it is pull out your sewing machine handbook it should tell you. I have a few on mine I chose for my first applique to use stitch 12 on my Limited Edition Project Runway 180 stitch Sewing Machine.
Put in your thread and slowly stitch all sides down. Make sure when you start each area that your needle it right on the outside of the applique.

Here is the finished product TA-DA! And here is the super cute matching bow!



Saturday, October 20, 2012

8 weeks

So last week I was 8 weeks pregnant WHOO HOO! I had my official doctors appt., got about ohhh 4 huge tubes of blood taken, a regular check up and a sono. Everything was looking perfect! And heard our little raspberry's hear beat! I also got conned into taking a flu shot. I NEVER get the flu shot. So needles to say YUP I felt HORRIBLE the rest of the week. Light headed, dizzy, fuzzy not to mention a super sore arm.
Pregnancy symptoms  well I wasn't as nauseous starting last week. And I had more energy. Mostly just in the morning but I would over exert myself by lunch and not be able to move LOL. Other then that I'm so bloated it's miserable and I'm all stuffy. Ohhh let the good times of 1st trimester roll on ;-).
We well actually I am thinking of doing an early 3D/4D sono at 16 weeks to find out the sex so we can know before Christmas. I'm not 20 weeks until the 2nd week of Jan. Hubby says he doesn't see why we should spend the extra money LOL. But I REALLLY wanna know already ;-). We sha'll see....

Here's my 8 week picture! Today I'm 9 weeks and promise to post before I'm 10 weeks HA! I did read my appt on my phone this morning and I'm feeling all the exact symptoms it mentions. Awesome.... LOL

Sono 8 weeks 2 days

Picture 8 weeks 4 days


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Belly Update Weeks 3-7

Since I have been a slacker...I swear having a baby at 30 verses 22 is a BIG difference! I have NO energy. I could be lazy all day and that is just not me. Poor house LOL. Oh and I also have pregnancy PMS after 4 pm everyday. Love you hubby kids and cats ;-) XOXO!

So far I am still 104, no weight gain but I don't like buttoning my jeans. It's uncomfortable. I swear my uterus being the size of a grapefruit now is the culprit ;-). Here are my pics 3-7. Week 8 will be coming this week. I've been taking them towards the end of my week. My weeks change on Saturdays.
P.S. Some of these pictures are taken by my husband but most by my 7 year old LOL. She's a photographer in training....trying to get her angle....hehehe

WHOO HOOO! I'm preggo!

Week 3
Symptoms-Anxious and excited!

Week 4
Symptoms-Bloated, Slight cramping very light brown spotting, Nauseous, fatigue 

Week 5
Symptoms-Slight cramping very light brown spotting, Nauseous, Sore breasts, fatigue 

Week 6
Symptoms-Nauseous, Sore breasts, fatigue 

Week 7
Symptoms-Nauseous, Sore breasts, fatigue 

I'm now 8 weeks 3 days today so I'll be uploading my 8 week side shot!


Having a baby at 30!

Hi all! Well most of you know if you follow my personal FB page that WHOO HOOO we got a bun in the oven! I wanted to share our story and keep you updated weekly on baby's progress.
My stats-
Age-29, I'll be 30 in THREE weeks!
Weight-104, no weight gain yet
Height-5 Ft.
Previous Exsperience-One daughter, 2005. Full term 42 weeks. Went into labor on my own 2 days before scheduled c-section. Worst back labor in the WORLD, ended with a c-section. Recovered great except the back pain I still have from trying to give birth to a baby that was OP.
Due Date of Baby to be- May 25th

Our Story: Dave and I have been together 4 years this Thanksgiving. We both have children from previous relationships. My daughter is 7 and his son is 5. We were married this April 7th 2012. I had been on the pill since I had my daughter in 2005. Dave and I talked about having a baby together once we were married. He seemed to think it was hilarious to joke and say he didn't want any more kids HAHA ;-). We decided to go off of the pill a week before our wedding. Per my doctor it would probably take about 3 months to get the BC out of my system. In June we decided to really start trying. I starting temping and using ovulation kits daily. And low and behold I took a test September 11th and POSITIVE! I then took 3 more LOL to make sure ;-) . Funny thing is the 1st weekend of Sept. we went to a friends birthday party and I had drank a little punch they had which was drowned in sugar. It made me sick that night. Husband said UHHHH why are you throwing up?? I told him I don't know I drank to much of that sweet drink. He gave me a weird look like Are you sure? Then a few nights before I tested I had spotted a teeny tiny bit thinking I was going to start. i remember saying to him MANNNN I'm going to start no baby this month. But nope nothing. I thought that was odd. Apparently that may have been some "implantation" bleeding.

How did I tell hubby? I texted him a picture and said I guess I was complaining for nothing the other night! He called and said uhhh WHAT?! ;-). At that time I was 3 weeks pregnant.
I called the doc made my appt. But then started spotting brown for a week straight at week for and 5. I called the doctor on the Monday or my week 5 and went in for an early ultra sound to check the baby to be on the safe side. Everything was fine at that moment a perfect 5 weeks two days. But I wasn't "sure enough" so I got blood work done and all was A OK!

Doc had me come back at 6 weeks 3 days for a second ultra sound so we could check baby for heart beat. Again WHOO HOO! Strong baby!

Week 8 and 2 days got to go in for my "official appt". You know the works with blood work, peeing in a cup yadda yadda. And look at that little baby to be! Perfect with a perfect heart beat! The sack is disappearing and the umbilical cord is visible.
Doc asked me about doing a scheduled c-section at 39 weeks verses a V-back. Apparently after a c-section you can not be induced the next go around, meaning you have to go into labor on your own. But also if I choose a c-section this time if I have more kiddo's then I will not have a choice any more. At this moment I'm waiting it out. Come 39 weeks I might say SIGN ME UP DOC! LOL but who knows. He says that at 41 weeks if I haven't gone into labor on my own then we will need to re discuss c-section to avoid an emergency c-section.

I'll be going back in November for my next appt. I'm doing the genetics test at 12 weeks and also going in to go over all the lovely labs they took from me this week. AND I already have my 20 week appt set up to find out if we are having a princess or a prince in January  I'll keep you updated! I'm also going to post weekly "belly" pics :-).


Thursday, October 11, 2012


Hello all my loves! Please check out my new blog design! SOOOOO excited to start back to blogging. XOXOXO