
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

30 Weeks Pregnant

Now last week I was 30 weeks pregnant. And OMG it was a hard week for me. So I already new at 28 weeks baby was breached plus I knew because well I could feel her in both my rib cakes at the same time! So I am pretty positive that she turned. All last week I had horrible pains and pressure. I was miserable. And by the end of the week I only feel her down low and up high. We shall see at my next ultrasound at 32 weeks.
I had a doctors appt. this week for my 30 week check up. So far I have gained 18 pounds which I consider good! Doc told me to eat more and so I am LOL. I registered for the hospital while I was there and informed the doc that I scheduled our hospital tour. I don't plan on taking classes since I did all of those with big sis.
At this doc appt the doc asked a bunch of questions like what kind of BC do I want to use after birth. Do I plan to breast feed. If I go into labor before my scheduled c section at 39 weeks I can come in and say HEY I want my c section! or I can try a vback it's up to me at this point. I'm still scared to try a vback due to the horrible experience I had with my daughter. Doc said this baby is very unlikely to be OP like she was. But again it's totally up to me how I want to deliver. He also told me that after 32 weeks NO traveling to the coast, which is 4 hours away. He doesn't want me delivering at the coast....neither do I LOL! Let's see....what else did the good doc tell me to do...OH! Call him if I have any contractions bleeding water breaks all the big signs of YOUR IN LABOR. And if at any time I don't feel baby move for 4 hours straight to go lie down in a quiet dark place see if I can feel her and still nothing call him.
And by the way YES I plan on breastfeeding. I plan on nursing full time for as long as possible/pumping. AND I am planning on cloth diapering. So as of now I'm trying to find some cloth diapering mommas I can get advise from!

OH! Went ahead and set up some of the baby gear! All was given to us THANK YOU FRIENDS XOXO Except the Arms Reach Co Sleeper. I got that for a great price on Craigslist. The couple bought it brand new and only used it for a few weeks. I wanted it because I plan on having a csection and nursing for as long as possible. This bassinet can be used closer to 6 months instead of just barely 3 months like normal bassinets.

 Arms Reach Co Sleeper
 Pack N Play
wing and comfy rocker sling....thingy LOL

Here's my 30 week pic!

AND here is a BONUS LOL! I took an up close BELLY pic ;-). Still rocking my pre pregnancy size small pants LOL


29 Weeks Pregnant

OMG!!! Boo on me! I can't believe I have gotton so far behind!
OK well back when I was 29 weeks pregnant I had my BABY SHOWER!!! It was a perfect shower. My Aunts threw it for me at La Madeline restaurant. My MIL ordered cute cupcakes with babies on them and strawberry cake balls YUMMM! I got lots of cute stuff and some beautiful hand made items from my Aunt. Love them!
This week was also Spring Break. OHHHH yah now I remember why I got behind LOL! My daughter was horribly sick all week. High fevers ect. Thanks goodness momma did NOT get sick. YAHHH ME! But it was an exhausting week.
After the shower I made my list of things I still need....which is a LOT. EACK!
Here are some baby shower pics along with a few of the hand made items

Momma and Big Sis 
Big Sis! 

 Adorable cupcakes and cake balls

 Pillow for nursery
 Stool for nursery
 Baby's name!
My beautiful and talented Aunts

And here is my 29 week preggo pic!


Friday, March 8, 2013

DIY Nursery Bedding and Decor!

Well I figured I should post about our progress on our DIY nursery.
It started because I didn't "like" any of the bedding sets at the store. Nothing was that perfect picture in my head. SO I asked my Aunt to assist me in making my own bedding! We mostly went off of Simplicity baby bedding pattern and just added subtracted created it how we wanted it to look.
So far here is what we have finished! All we have left is the Bed skirt and I don't have a picture yet of the decorative pillow. I'm also making a regular sized pillow case so we can continue using the bedding into the toddle bed.

We started off by painting. The room was a BRIGHT Disney Blue. And since I wanted my purple to be light I "made" my poor hubby prime first LOL. Yesssss yesss I know paint comes with primer these days. But I am picky and really didn't want that blue showing through. So here is a picture of the room primed then a picture of the pretty Purple. It's called Grape Hyacinth and I made it 25% lighter.

Here are my curtains. I made two panels then I made a valance. The Beautiful curtain rod s from Lowes.

Excuse lil Miss Kitty in the window....

Here are my beautiful crib bumpers!! The Paisley is the outside and the green polka dot is the inside. For these we used pre cut bumper pads purchased at Joann's and we followed the directions on making the bumper pads that came with it.

Here is the Diaper Stacker. We added a "D" to the top to give it a little decorative touch ;-), Also on the bottom of this diaper stacker to give it support we used a piece of plastic that is used for knitting.

Here is an organizer that can be hung from the side of the crib to hold whatever.

This is the Crib Blanket

This is the larger "toddler" size blanket that we can use on a toddler bed later on ;-)

This is a memo board for photos or bows that I made. OH and BTW I spent all last week making bows. So between baby and her big sis they are set for a LONNNNNG time LOL.
This board is super easy to make. I actually got an old cork board from a local thrift store for $1. Used Poly fill to cover it then put fabric from the bedding over that. Picked ribbon I wanted to use, put it on. And added a few buttons with hot glue. TA-DA.

Well that's it for now. I plan on either receiving plain purple sheets as shower gifts or purchasing them. And I ordered a super cute antiqued light switch plate on Etsy. I'm also making her wall decor and mobile. Can't wait to share!!

This is a picture of the switch plate I ordered off of Etsy. But mine will be White. Check out her shop!

Light Swith Cover - Elegant - Shabby Chic -Aqua Blue - Master Bedroom - Romantic


28 weeks pregnant

HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY! This week I went for a follow up ultrasound to check on my low lying placenta. And guess what.... ALL CLEAR!!! HAPPY DANCE HAPPY DANCE! So no restrictions for ME!
Baby is beached but has time to flip. Hope she does because she is beating up both sides of my rib cage at the same time.
Baby weighs 2 lbs 15 oz. That's almost THREE POUNDS! Goodness! And in her sono picture it kinda looks like she has HAIR! LOL
Let's see what else this week....I gained a lil weight. Guess that's what happens when the doc orders you to EAT. OHHHHH!!!! And my baby shower is this Saturday! I started receiving gifts in the mail from out of town guests. How exciting! I also got in the mail the vintage 7 year baby record book that I ordered off of Ebay. LOVE IT! It's that same one that I used for for my older daughter.
Alright ya'll next week I'll be able to share about my baby shower! Can't wait to see fam & friends, eat good food and cake and BABY STUFF!

My 28 week pic

Sono picture

See the "hair" on top of her head ;-)


27 weeks

Well last week....sorry....I was 27 weeks ;-). Nothing exciting. Baby was moving a lot. I've been feeling fine. Getting anxious about the weeks flying by. Thinking of how blessed I am to be the one to carry this little bundle of joy inside of me for 9 months ;-)
I DID go and find my dress for my baby shower! And I ended up buying two pairs of maternity leggings for the summer and two summer tops, it was a buy one get one free deal! I tried on some maternity shorts and BAHAHAHAHAHAHA I almost died laughing. My little chicken legs looked ridiculous. So it's dresses and leggings for this momma!

Here's my 27 week pic!