
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

DIY Bassinet Sheet - Arms Reach Co sleeper

Well I had two bassinet sheets and neither one fit the Arms Reach Co Sleeper we got. So I figured I could make some :-).
Here is my first sheet....

Cotton Jersey Knit
1/4 inch elastic
Sewing machine
Coordinating thread
measuring tape
Iron and ironing board

I used a super cute jersery knit that I had left over from making a onesie gown ;-). It's stretchy and pertty!

Measure your bassinet mattress. Then cut fabric that is 10 inches wider and longer. Then on each corner you will need to cut a 5 inch square out. I marker my square on one end, then folded my fabric so I could cut it all at one time.

Now pin the end points of where you cut right sides together and sew. Do this to each corner. Make sure you back stitch.

When you turn it right side out it will look like this.....BTW heat up your iron.....

Now the fun begins. HA! ;-). Iron down a 1/4 seem all the way around. Then fold it over again and iron down. Pin your elastic all the way around on top of the seem you have ironed down. Make sure the elastic is over the seem. Set your sewing machine to your longest zip zag stitch and the stitch length to a 3. Now start sewing. As you are sewing pull on the elastic to stretch it.

And ta-da! Here is your sheet!


Thursday, April 4, 2013

32 weeks pregnant

HELLLO 32 weeks pregnant!!!
Well this week I got to go to my 32 week check up and ultrasound. Guess what?! I was right! Baby did turn! She is now head down where she is suppose to be and will not be flipping back around per doc.
She weighs 4 1/2 pounds, couldn't get a length because she was being stuburn and had her feet and hands in her face.
Doc says my dizzy spells are because she is blocking blood flow to my brain.....uhhhhh YIKES! He says he can do nothing about it and it will probably get worse as she gets bigger, lovely. His advice.... be careful driving. Thanks doc....
The first thing doc pointed out was "See all those spiky things? That's all her HAIR!" OMG a baby girl with hair?! AWWWWWW ;-)!!!! I got to see of her fingers and toes, I made sure her umbilical cord wasn't wrapped around her being a little over protective already?! maybe.... LOL
Everything about her is perfect and I'm doing great. Hard to get a profile pic because she didn't want to be disturbed. Oh and weight I'm still at only 18 pounds since pre pregnancy. Yah me!

32 weeks 4 days ultrasound

32 Weeks pregnant

Now time to pick up the rest of the baby items we need and finish the nursery!


Recovering a chair in 15 minutes

So this pretty little chair sat in my bathroom for like a year stripped. Poor thing....I stripped it and spray painted it silver then just LEFT HER THERE!
Well baby is almost here and I can't stand and put my socks on any more so I said HEY I need that chair!
Here is what I 15 minutes....

Spray paint if you want to change the base color first
Hot glue gun

Here is the original chair in her white and green

I unscrewed the two cushions, spray painted silver.....waited a year...then went to Joann's and got it done while cooking dinner!

I placed the seat cushion on the fabric, cut a square and started piecing the sides down onto the back and staple down...

Now repeat to the back cushion but on the back cushion I cut out a circle and glued it because it the chair gets turned around you will see the ugly stapling unless this is done ;-)

Now get your hubby to screw back on the cushions! My belly was in my way...and apparently no one wanted me to let the meat on the stove to burn.....

And TA-DA!

Before I could post to Instagram one of the cats had to test the chair bathroom door is now shut at all times so the creatures can't make this seat theirs :-).

Free chair given to us
Can of silver Spray paint $5?
2 yards of Fabric for about $6
15 minutes

Now you could get fancy and put the tufts back into it and trim ect. But ehhh I already let her sit there for a year she needed to be dressed quickly LOL. She looks great serves her purpose and I heart her! And she will come in handy when bathing baby in our big garden tub so I'm not getting my booty wet sitting on the side of the tub.


DIY Car Seat Arm Cushion

So I wanted to make an arm cushion for my car seat  With my older daughter I remember lugging the car seat around and it was SOOOO heavy! You could buy one of these on line for like $15 plus but I said HEY I could make this!
Now I am not putting a full tutorial on here because I am not thrilled with my protocol LOL but it will work for me. I'll practice some more and then put a full step by step with measurements for you....later....LOL

Foam block
Sewing machine
coordinating thread
sew on Velcro

Here is pretty much what I did.

At Joann's I went to the foam by the yard section and found a great deal. So I bought a "brick" I'm calling it. I bought it longer then I knew I needed so I could cut it how I wanted it.
I then had some left over upholstery fabric I used on a chair I did (check out my 15 minute chair recover post soon).
Then pulled out my velcro and got started.

Cut your foam "brick"
Measure out your fabric
Sew your fabric wrong sides together down both long sides and only one end. Leave the other end OPEN.. Now turn the fabric inside out.Take one piece of Velcro and measure it then cut to put the length of the end of your fabric. Go ahead and sew it to the CLOSED end of the fabric as close to the end as possible all the way around the Velcro and through both pieces of fabric.

Then stuff your foam inside and here is where I pulled my hair out a few you need to fold in the open sides ends in a 1/2 inch so you can sew close. BUT at the same time pin the 2nd piece of velcro to it. Be sure to pin it to the opposite side as the other piece of velcro.....give youself a night to come back to this if you need too so you don't scream. Or if your not preggo like me down some wine and keep on pushing ;-).

Once you get that bad boy sewn together here is what it will look like. Now my fabrix is a little wider then I would like. But hey it's a protocol and it there....;-). I chose this soft grey to match my already super cute car seat fabric.

I promise this cushion will be an ARM saver!


31 Weeks Pregnant

Well 31 weeks and 8 month pregnant   I can still fit in my size small tops....with a tank top under LOL. Baby is moving non stop. Had a pretty bad scare in the car this week. Thought I was gonna black out! YIKES!!! I got really dizzy and couldn't control it. Called doc and was told to start logging my dizzy spells and we would go over it at 32 week check up.
Ohhh I got another pregnancy massage this week ;-). It was lovely.
Other then that nothing new. Picking up items we still need here and there. Hopefully will get the nursery done soon!

31 week preggo pic!
