
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Mod Podge cut out letters and shapes

Looking for your initial to put up as a decoration? Or maybe you want to put your child's name on their wall for a decoration but you can't find the right color or design that you picture? Well here is the perfect solution! And cheap too! Go to your craft store and find the isle with all the pre cut out wood and cardboard letters and shapes. They usually fun around $2.99 but you can normally find them 50% off or take a coupon with you. I usually pay a little over a $1 for mine. Then mosey on over to the scrap book section or rummage through your own paper selection at home to find that perfect color or design. Now you need a jar Mod Podge and a sponge. I like to use the ones with a stick on the end. You can usually get a pack of 4 for under $5. Turn your paper over to the back side and trace out your letter or shape. Cut it out, try to cut inside the line you made. It's better to be a tiny bit smaller then to have the paper hanging over. Once you have cut out your paper it's time to MOD PODGE! Take your sponge and put a layer of Mod Podge on your wood or cardboard cut out. Then place your paper over it carefully and smooth it out. Look for bubbles in your paper. The Mod Podge dries quickly and you have a new DIY decoration that was cheap and easy! You can also add extra "trimmings" to your Mod Podge art! Some buttons, lace, bling ANYTHING! ;-)

Here are some examples of my Mod Podge art for my home and for gifts.

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