
Friday, November 2, 2012

10 Weeks Pregnant

WHOO HOO! I'm actually posting on time HA! Well tomorrow I turn 11 weeks and I can't wait until I get to go to my next appointment next week and then I have another the following.
So this week I have been feeling better. Was even feeling great for my picture LOL. My only issues I had were a horrible dry nose early in the week which was causing a head ache and making me breath through my mouth causing horrible dry mouth YUCK. This week was Halloween! My princess was a Cheetah, I made a tutu for her for the 1st time. Too cute! Ohhh and I bought a belly band thing to keep my pants up since I've been holding them up with a hair tie :-O. No weight gain still but this baby bump is getting bigger.
 I got my belly band at Target for $16. They only had white or black and they come in sizes S/M, M/L and XL I believe. I got a S/M. I put it on and.... I was not a fan. Maybe I'm just a little bloated this morning who knows but I took it off and went back to the hair tie. But I do have to admit that sucker kept my pants up!
So anyways besides that I've been trying to catch up on rest from walking a million miles trick or treating and baking goodies for the school all week. OH and someone at the school informed me that baby will be coming right in time for all the kiddos to be home with me with a newborn! I didn't think about could either be overwhelming or helpful. I might be teaching a 6 & 8 year old how to change poopy diapers their first week out of school. LOL hehehehehe ;-).
OHHHHHHHHH and I do believe I convinced my hubby to do an early 2D sono at 16 weeks so we can find out the sex of the baby and announce at Christmas WHOO HOO! SO EXCITED!
So next week I'll be going for my screening and I'm assuming I get to see baby on a sono? Hope so! I'll update you next week! Let me know if you have any belly band comments.

Pics from Halloween

10 Week Baby Bump! My Photographer/7 yr old informed me that you can barely see the writing so next time we will write in a different color ;-).


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