
Sunday, February 17, 2013

25 weeks pregnant

So 25 weeks pregnant went pretty well ;-). Only issue I had was ....dizzy spells. I tarted having episodes were I got blurred vision and dizzy. I called my doc and he had me come in to check my blood pressure but blood pressure was fine. He asked me how my glucose test came back. I told him ummmm....wellll....I never got a call back so I ASSUMED I passed. Doc checked the results and found that my blood sugar was actually very low for some one who just drank a bunch of sugar. He asked me how much I eat. And I admitted I'm not the best at remembering to eat. I do eat I just don't eat a lot. My snacks are fruit & veggies. Doc says my body over produces insulin so I need to EAT... and he isn't talking about fruits and veggies he wants me to eat snacks all day long anything to get carbs ect. in me. I'm suppose to call him on Monday to tell him how I'm doing.
Besides that week 25 was great! We finished painting the nursery  Grape Hyacinth 25% lighter. And I finished the curtains and put them up on a beautiful curtain rod from Lowe's. And my Aunt finished the crib bumper! So excited!
I also found a cloth diaper at Target called Charlie Banana that has disposable inserts. AWESOME! I'm really wanting to use these! I bought one to start. I plan on getting one a week until baby comes. I also added them to my registry. I'll put up a separate post about it ;-).
As for me still at 10 lbs, still wearing normal tops but size 1 or SX maternity jeans. It's getting harder to shave or get comfy and I certainly can't eat large meals at one time. I fill up immediately. Baby is always in my rib cage.
OH OH OH!! Hubby got me a gift certificate for a massage at Blooming Pregnancy for my Valentines Day gift! I'm going to make myself try to wait on using it LOL....this will be hard.

Belly Pic


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