Wednesday, May 1, 2013

36 Weeks Pregnant 9 months!

LOOK WHO IS 9 MONTHS!!!! HA! I made it ;-)
So this week I am 36 weeks pregnant. Remember how a few weeks ago I was having a lot of shooting pains in my cervix? WELL I WAS RIGHT! LOL Doc checked me and I am 3 cm dilated and very thin babies head is very low. SOOOO this means that I could go into labor any day now. EACK! LOL if I make it to my 37 week appt. when he checks me if I am any further along he will send me to labor and delivery to be monitored then decide if he will be moving up my repeat c-section. So next week may be the week! Ready of not! Oh and I asked doc why I am having weird sore pains in my stomach and he said that I'm probably contracting but it's not noticeable but the contractions are making my stomach sore.
Well since my doctors visit I have been running around crazy trying to get things cleaned and finished  I still need to put a few things on the nursery wall and I want to get a few chores done around the house. Like wash all the bedding scrub all the showers, fun stuff. I'm full fledged NESTING mode!
Big sister said she is not ready for a crying baby yet LOL! As for me I am up to 24 lbs and I had promised myself 25 was my max so I AM ready ;-) soon as I finish cleaning and putting the nursery together LOL!

And boy am I lucky, I chanced it and went to the coast 4 hours away this weekend. I will not be making that trip again for awhile HA! Here are hubby and I...

36 weeks pregnant! 9 Months WHOO HOO!


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